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The transition from preschool to primary school occurs with certain dynamics of movement from simple to complex. The curriculum in the first grade of the Ukrainian School invites children to travel with Ukrainian grammar, children's literature and interesting thematic activities. Students get acquainted with sounds and letters in more detail, putting them into syllables and words.
Reading gradually moves from syllables to simple words and sentences, which at the end of the school year approach more complex words and sentences and combine into a small text. At the same time, students enrich their vocabulary and knowledge of literature.


The main topics are supplemented by additional information and various tasks. For example, you can learn the days of the week and months by solving crossword puzzles, riddles; talking about domestic and wild animals, students learn new words, disassemble them into syllables, and make sentences with these words. Students learn to write calligraphic in notebooks and read textbooks purchased in Ukraine and approved by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine.

A necessary part of the curriculum for students is the development of oral speech. Children learn to retell what they have heard or read, describe thematic pictures, and tell their own stories or about special events. This is where children's ideas become a reality.

Learning the language would be very boring without getting acquainted with the culture, traditions and customs of Ukraine. Therefore, children celebrate traditional and major religious holidays not only with their parents and relatives but also at school (as far as possible). Ukraine has a lot in common with Canada, so when comparing our two homelands, children feel proud to have a direct or tangible relationship with such beautiful countries.


Complements the curriculum of the 1st-grade artistic creativity. Here children's talents develop in different directions: drawing, handicrafts, recitation, singing, dancing, theatrical roles. It should be noted that even those children who speak very little or no Ukrainian,
quickly join the program, make new friends. And with parental support success can be reached much faster.

So, we are waiting for everyone who wants to learn a lot of new things about Ukraine with us!

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